Thanks to the decree law “fare” (make) introduced by the last government, the Italian small and medium companies, of all fields, can benefit of preferential interest rates for new PV installations.



This law, also called “Nuova Sabatini”, (new Sabatini, in the name of older italian political man) make possible that all small and medium companies that want make new investment on plants, systems, machines , hardware , software can have a help from the italian government. That help consist on the concession of a contribute in favor to companies, that cap part of interest rates for the investment.


The contribute is equal to interest rates based on a conventional repayment plan with 6 month rates, at 2,75% of year interest for 5 years.


This law was introduced - for the first time - in the 1965 by Mr. Mario Sabatini , but the novelty is now the possibility to use it for PV installations.


On the FAQ of the MISE (Minister Italian of Economic develop ) was clarified that new PV installations will be admissible for the preferential interest rates if that aren't infix to the ground, and the PV system must be functionally at course of business.


That is a good news not only for small and medium Italian companies but also for all photovoltaic industry. Because – in the future – this law can allow to unlock investment that were been stopped with the cut of FIT.


For more information visit MISE Website


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