Perché iscrivere la propria azienda a PVCompare?

Perché le recensioni on-line superano di gran lunga i mezzi tradizionali nella fiducia dei consumatori.

Questo è il risultato di una ricerca Nielsen (2012) condotta su 28.000 persone.

Gli utenti che hanno già usato un prodotto sono la miglior pubblicità per qualsiasi azienda e PVCompare è il portale che permette di aggregare i feedback positivi.

Cosa pensano di noi

"The practitioners of PV industry are appreciative of any solar portals like since you are aiming to identify the best companies and report the quality of PV product. As long as you have an unbiased position, you will be standing out."

Joyce Qiao, marketing manager, GoodWe Solar Inverter

"Today check whether a panel manufacturer has systemic problems or not is very easy. Start making the names of the player unreliable help to segregate the good from the bad companies".

Sergio Moroni, Country Manager Italy, Suntech.

"In recent times we have witnessed a Darwinian selection of operators. This redevelopment process is going to proceed also in the next months. Only healthy company with the best products will stand and compete in the market.” “Leave a grade and a comment".

Alberto Cuter, sales director for Italy and emerging markets, Jinko Solar.

"PVcompare is a good website, which makes people more actual helpful choices by sending offers to all database of installers. Very easy, efficient, and convenient!!! Hope more and more people would join the wonderful communication platform."

Han's Inverter & Grid Technology Co.Ltd