The transition from high- to low-carbon production has a drastic impact on developed and less developed countries, even though in a different way. Nowadays, building a greener sustainable economy is a must for everyone. However, changing the status quo requires rethinking the structure of the labour market.
Consequently, education and training should start to adapt to new high skill, high productivity and sustainable economies; workers must be well prepared to catch the opportunities offered by the green growth.
Today a joint EU-CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) and OECD report on green skills and innovation for inclusive growth has been published (you can find it here).
In this document researchers, policy-makers, social partners and international organisations discuss about skills development and training needs for a greener economy. The development of skills is now fully recognized as catalyst of innovation and basis for a long-term sustainable growth. Keeping this in mind, this forum aimed at analysing education and training policies that address the transition to greener and job-rich growth.
This report set fairness as a priority: the shift to greener economies should lead to more equitable societies, narrowing the existing inequality gaps. Social inequalities can be first tackled giving people the opportunity to learn and to be trained. As expected, policymakers are called to address these challenges: many stakeholders observed that policy coordination and policy integration are fundamental in order to deliver the “double dividend” of ecological sustainability and employment growth.
Some real examples are included in the document, in order to give an idea of the wide variety obstacles but also of the several opportunities that this transition period represents for everyone.
At the end of this long and comprehensive report, at least one thing should be kept in mind: green growth cannot be considered sustainable without simultaneously addressing environmental and social inclusion goals.
Eliana Canavesio