The reputational strategy must be based on the type of customers that products and services are offered to. A niche audience, as the one which can be currently opt to purchase a photovoltaic system, it is generally more demanding and therefore business strategies still need to be better planned. A great way to increase your online image, thus attracting also those customers that are more difficult to convince , is the establishment of a direct relationship with users.
It is for this reason that PVCompare offers its customers the opportunity to be interviewed by its journalists who will be able to highlight the strengths of each company contributing to the growth of its online imagine. Our monthly statistics reveal that the most read articles are those in which the company seeks a direct relationship with the user speaking about itself and its products through a third party.
Therefore not only do companies have the ability to share information of themselves through PVCompare website, which is read every month by thousands of users, but they can also take advantage of the skills and professionalism of experienced journalists who will be able to make the most of the brand and its vision, as well as to highlight the most popular products characteristics (those able to attract new customers). All this for the benefit of the company online visibility and reputation.