According to the survey "Email marketing reports 2013" edited by ContactLab, almost all internet users, belonging to a representative sample of people aged between 16 and 65 years old and living in Italy, Great Britain, Germany, France and Spain, use their inbox on a daily basis. In such a framework, checking the e-mails received has become a routine action which is repeated several times during the same day.
In this context, the newsletter is the main tool for enterprises to start their promotional activity. The high level of competition that currently characterizes the global market thus requires the need to be able to form relationships with past and present customers and to constantly feed them with a direct contact. It is essential not to overlook the importance of regular communication that informs the users about new products or services thereby stimulate in them both a renewed curiosity about the company and their need to purchase.
The creation of a newsletter requires only a minimum effort for the company. The table below shows for each one of the sample countries, the average number of newsletters in which respondents claim to be registered.
Furthermore, in all 5 countries almost 40% of users stated that, at least once, after receiving an offer via email, they went to the store to buy the product, while a percentage close to 50% (with the exception of Italy where the percentage is much lower and stops at 23%) report they purchased the product after having sailed on the company website from a link in the newsletter.